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Online Adjudication/ Judging System

Adjudications / Events

The system will allow you to create & manage adjudications. This task involves Event planning & scheduling, Budgeting, Broadcasting messages (SMS / Email)to existing users database & Event logistics.

Cluster Management

This module allows you to create questions clusters and assign timeline to each cluster. On event that the Cluster End - date has passed, the cluster will not show on the web portal.


Each cluster will have a set of questions assigned. The system will support Essay, Multiple Choice, Boolean, Fill in the blanks & Rate questions. The system will be able to automatically mark candidates answer depending on the question type.

Users Module

Adjudication system users can be grouped to four broad categories; Administrators, Judges, Candidates & Support/ Maintenance users. All users are created from the admin portal in exception of candidates who register online.

Candidates Registration

In Adjudication System, candidates are the participants of the event. Registration is done online via a digital registration form.
Candidates can then choose a cluster / Category and then submit their entries.

Judging Module

All marking of entries will be done on the judge portal. A judge / Adjudicator will only mark entries for the cluster he / she has been assigned.
The System will have a maximum score for each question on which the judge can not award marks above it.
The system will calculate the final score by averaging marks from all the assigned judges.

Reports Module

Several Reports Can be generated by the system including -:
  • Certificates
  • Adjudication Clusters Report
  • Cluster Merit List
  • Users Report
  • Events Report
  • Etc


The system complies with ISO Standards for Web - Based System.


This utility allows you to view frequently asked questions about Einskarp Adjudication System and their answers for self diagnosis of problems. If your problem is not listed in the FAQ module, kindly contact our 24/7 help center.

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